MicroBio Blood Booster Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work?

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MicroBio Blood Booster Review
MicroBio Blood Booster Review

MicroBio Blood Booster is a popular supplement that claims to help regulate and manage high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Many users have been drawn to it because of its bold promises, but are these claims valid? In today’s crowded supplement market, it’s crucial to verify such promises to ensure consumers aren’t falling victim to scams. This article will provide a comprehensive analysis of MicroBio Blood Booster, including user reviews, expert opinions, and scientific studies, to uncover the truth behind this supplement. This MicroBio Blood Booster Review will help you decide whether it's worth your time and money.

MicroBio Blood Booster Claims

MicroBio Blood Booster claims to offer a natural solution to regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The manufacturer promotes the supplement as a safe alternative to medication, asserting that its blend of natural ingredients works effectively without side effects. They also suggest that users will experience significant improvements in their overall cardiovascular health within weeks.

While natural ingredients can indeed support health, there’s reason to question the exaggerated claims made by MicroBio Blood Booster. Many of the listed ingredients may not have the potency required to create such significant results, and the lack of transparency about their sourcing raises red flags. The manufacturer does not provide detailed information about the quality and origin of these ingredients, making it hard to trust whether they meet the standards needed for effectiveness. Furthermore, the marketing heavily implies almost immediate results, which is unrealistic for most natural supplements.

Company Behind MicroBio Blood Booster

The company behind MicroBio Blood Booster has a less-than-stellar reputation. Their past products have faced numerous complaints from customers, with many citing ineffectiveness and adverse side effects. Additionally, recurring issues with customer service, such as difficulty obtaining refunds and vague communication, have further tarnished the company's credibility. On the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the company has consistently low ratings, reflecting dissatisfaction with both product quality and marketing practices. Like their past products, there’s a high chance that MicroBio Blood Booster will follow the same disappointing pattern.


The manufacturer of MicroBio Blood Booster lists several natural ingredients, including Cinnamon Bark Extract, Berberine, and Hawthorn Berry, known for their potential benefits in regulating blood sugar and blood pressure. While these ingredients have been used in traditional medicine, their effectiveness in supplement form often depends on the quality and concentration, which is unclear in this product.

  • Cinnamon Bark Extract is commonly used to help regulate blood sugar, but studies suggest that only high-quality extracts in specific doses can make a difference.
  • Berberine has shown promise in managing blood sugar levels, but again, its effectiveness depends on purity and the dosage, both of which are vague in MicroBio Blood Booster’s ingredient list.
  • Hawthorn Berry is traditionally used to support heart health, but there is limited evidence of its effectiveness in supplement form.

What’s concerning is the lack of transparency around the sourcing and testing of these ingredients. Without proper testing for quality, the benefits may be exaggerated, and the product could contain lower-quality versions or even synthetic fillers.

How Does MicroBio Blood Booster Work?

The manufacturer claims that MicroBio Blood Booster works by harnessing the natural properties of its ingredients to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. For example, they state that cinnamon bark extract helps reduce blood sugar spikes, while hawthorn berry supports cardiovascular function by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow.

However, these mechanisms are not well-supported by scientific research. While some studies suggest that these ingredients may help in small ways, the overall evidence is not strong enough to support the dramatic improvements the company promises. Most of the research on these ingredients is either preliminary or uses much higher doses than what is likely found in MicroBio Blood Booster. Without clinical trials backing up these claims, it’s hard to believe that the supplement can deliver on its promises.

MicroBio Blood Booster Pros

  • Attractive packaging
  • Available without a prescription
  • Can be purchased online
  • Fast shipping
  • Comes in easy-to-consume capsules

MicroBio Blood Booster Cons

  • Exaggerated claims about its effectiveness
  • Lack of clinical trials or scientific backing
  • Unclear information about ingredient quality and sourcing
  • The company has a history of poor customer service and unresolved complaints
  • No FDA approval or endorsements from relevant authorities
  • Misleading advertising with overhyped results
  • Difficulties in obtaining refunds due to questionable refund policies
  • Legal and regulatory concerns around its marketing tactics
  • High price point compared to other, more effective supplements


Based on customer feedback, it’s clear that MicroBio Blood Booster falls short of its claims. Many users reported little to no improvement in their blood pressure or blood sugar levels after weeks of consistent use. Some users even experienced side effects, such as dizziness and upset stomach, which the company failed to warn about. The general consensus among users is that this supplement does not deliver the promised results and is far less effective than similar products on the market.

MicroBio Blood Booster Reviews

Taj Hannon, 45, New York: “I tried MicroBio Blood Booster hoping it would help with my blood pressure. After two months, I saw no change at all. Waste of money.”

Elexis Godinez, 38, Los Angeles: “I was excited about this supplement, but it didn’t work. I actually started feeling more tired after taking it, and my blood sugar was still all over the place.”

Demetria Vasquez, 52, Chicago: “Didn’t do a thing for my blood pressure. Plus, the customer service was terrible when I tried to get a refund. Stay away from this product!”


  • Amazon: 1.5/5 Stars (⭐☆☆☆☆)
  • ConsumerLab: 2/5 Stars (⭐⭐☆☆☆)
  • Walmart: 1/5 Stars (⭐☆☆☆☆)

Where to Buy MicroBio Blood Booster?

MicroBio Blood Booster is primarily available for purchase through the manufacturer’s official website and other online platforms. However, the fact that it's only available online raises concerns about the product’s accountability and increases the potential for scams. Users have reported issues with shipping delays, and many have struggled to get refunds when the product didn’t meet their expectations.


MicroBio Blood Booster is priced at $59.99 for a one-month supply. While there are some discounts for bulk purchases, the price is still high compared to other supplements that have more research backing their effectiveness. Given its questionable claims and lack of proven results, this supplement is expensive and not worth the investment.

Is MicroBio Blood Booster a Scam?

MicroBio Blood Booster shows several signs of being a scam. The manufacturer provides little credible information about the product, there are no endorsements from relevant authorities, and the marketing is full of exaggerated claims. The company behind the supplement has a history of poor practices, and there’s a lack of transparency regarding the ingredients and testing. All of these factors suggest that MicroBio Blood Booster may not be a legitimate product.

MicroBio Blood Booster Side Effects

While the manufacturer claims that MicroBio Blood Booster is safe, several users have reported experiencing side effects. These side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Upset stomach
  • Fatigue
  • Mild headaches
  • Nausea

These side effects raise concerns about the product’s overall safety, especially for people with pre-existing conditions.


MicroBio Blood Booster does not live up to its claims. The lack of scientific backing, potential health risks, and numerous negative user experiences suggest that this supplement is not a trustworthy option. There are safer, more effective alternatives on the market. Before trying any new supplement, consult with a medical professional to ensure it’s the right choice for your health.

Author Profile
Aman Gauthier
Chief Research Scientist at National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Dr. Aman Gauthier holds a PhD in Biochemistry and has published numerous papers on dietary supplements and their effects. At the NIH, he leads research projects focusing on the biochemical impacts of nutritional supplements on health. As the Chief Research Scientist at DailyHealthSupplement.com, Dr. Gauthier ensures that our reviews are based on solid scientific evidence and thorough analysis.

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