PHNTM Gummies Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work?

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PHNTM Gummies Review

PHNTM Gummies have recently gained attention, with the company claiming that these gummies can enhance your mood and relieve stress. However, with so many similar supplements out there, it’s important to be careful. Products like this often make big promises but rarely deliver, leaving buyers feeling tricked and sometimes even facing unwanted side effects. In this PHNTM Gummies review, we’ll expose the truth behind these claims, taking a closer look at the company, the product, and real customer feedback.

Despite the flashy marketing, these gummies might be nothing more than a scam designed to take your money without offering any real benefits. Through detailed user reviews, expert insights, and a lack of credible scientific backing, it’s clear that PHNTM Gummies could be just another product that overpromises and underdelivers. Before you spend your hard-earned cash, let’s looks into PHNTM Gummies review and help you avoid falling for yet another misleading supplement.

PHNTM Gummies Claims

The manufacturer of PHNTM Gummies makes several exciting claims. They state that the gummies are designed to improve mood, reduce stress, and promote overall emotional well-being. According to them, the natural ingredients in the gummies work together to create a sense of calm without causing drowsiness or other unpleasant effects.

While natural ingredients can indeed provide benefits, it's important to question the specific sourcing and quality of the ingredients in PHNTM Gummies. Are the ingredients as pure and effective as the company says? Many supplements in the market often exaggerate their claims, using marketing tactics to mislead consumers. Although ingredients like ashwagandha or L-theanine are known to help with stress, the dosage and quality in PHNTM Gummies might not be enough to produce real results.

It’s also worth asking whether these gummies contain any hidden or synthetic substances that could lessen their authenticity. While natural supplements generally work, if they’re not sourced or formulated correctly, their effectiveness is limited. Without proper research and transparency, these claims could very well be just a gimmick.

Company Behind PHNTM Gummies

The company behind PHNTM Gummies has a poor reputation. Past products from the same company have received numerous customer complaints, primarily for their lack of effectiveness and unwanted side effects. Customers have also raised issues with the company’s customer service, noting slow response times and difficulties with refunds. Their recurring marketing tactics have been seen as questionable, and they hold a low rating on the Better Business Bureau (BBB). It wouldn’t be surprising if PHNTM Gummies followed the same disappointing pattern as their previous products.


The PHNTM Gummies ingredient list claims to use natural ingredients that are commonly associated with mood enhancement and stress relief. Key ingredients include:

  • Ashwagandha: Known for its potential stress-relieving properties, ashwagandha is widely used in supplements to help improve mood and reduce anxiety. However, there’s no guarantee that the dosage in PHNTM Gummies is sufficient to provide any real effect.
  • L-Theanine: Often found in tea, this amino acid is linked to promoting relaxation without causing drowsiness. While it’s a good ingredient, the effectiveness depends on how much is included in the gummies.

Despite using these well-known natural ingredients, the transparency of the company is questionable. The manufacturer doesn't provide detailed information on the sourcing or quality of these ingredients. Moreover, the list includes some synthetic additives, which may dilute the effectiveness of the natural components. In comparison to other reputable supplements, the formulation of PHNTM Gummies seems to lack the rigor and purity needed for real results.

How Does PHNTM Gummies Work?

According to the manufacturer, PHNTM Gummies work by combining ingredients like ashwagandha and L-theanine to calm the nervous system, reduce stress levels, and improve mood. They claim that the ingredients work synergistically to balance stress hormones without causing drowsiness or fatigue, allowing users to feel more relaxed and focused throughout the day.

While this sounds great, there is limited scientific evidence to support these specific claims. The research behind ashwagandha and L-theanine suggests they can help with stress reduction, but the manufacturer doesn't provide clinical trials or studies specific to PHNTM Gummies to back up their claims. Additionally, the concentration of the ingredients might be too low to offer any real benefits, and without transparency on how much of each ingredient is used, it's hard to trust the manufacturer's statements.

PHNTM Gummies Pros

  • Good packaging
  • Available without a prescription
  • Convenient to purchase online
  • Fast shipping
  • Easy-to-consume gummy form

PHNTM Gummies Cons

  • Exaggerated claims with little scientific backing
  • Lack of proper research or clinical trials
  • No transparency about the exact dosage of ingredients
  • Low-quality ingredients compared to other reputable supplements
  • Company has a poor reputation and low BBB rating
  • Questionable marketing tactics, including misleading advertising
  • No FDA approval
  • Difficulty in obtaining refunds
  • Potential for side effects, especially with synthetic additives


User feedback on PHNTM Gummies has been mostly negative. Many customers have complained that the product did not provide any noticeable improvement in their mood or stress levels. Some even reported experiencing mild side effects such as headaches and upset stomachs after using the gummies. Overall, the promised results have not been delivered, leading to widespread dissatisfaction among users.

PHNTM Gummies Reviews

Angel Ybarra., 32, Chicago, IL (via Amazon):
“I bought these gummies hoping they'd help with my stress, but I didn't notice any difference at all. After using them for a month, I still feel the same. Waste of money.”

1 8

Wilson Caldwell., 45, Dallas, TX (via Walmart):
“I saw a lot of ads for these gummies, so I thought I'd give them a try. Big mistake. They did nothing for my mood, and I actually started getting headaches after taking them. Not worth it.”

2 8

Flor English., 29, Miami, FL (via Target):
“Honestly, I had high hopes for these, but they didn't work for me. I also had trouble getting a refund when I asked. The customer service was terrible.”

3 7


  • Amazon: 1.8/5 Stars (⭐☆☆☆☆)
  • ConsumerLab: 1.5/5 Stars (⭐☆☆☆☆)
  • Walmart: 2/5 Stars (⭐⭐☆☆☆)

Where to Buy PHNTM Gummies?

PHNTM Gummies are only available online, which can be a red flag. Since the product isn't sold in physical stores, it's difficult to verify the legitimacy of the claims. Many customers have reported delays in shipping, and some have had issues with refunds. The lack of accountability and the potential for scams make buying this product a risky choice.


The price of PHNTM Gummies is quite high compared to other supplements. A single bottle costs around $49.99, with discounts for bulk orders. However, given the lack of effectiveness and questionable quality, the product doesn’t seem to be worth the price. Other well-reviewed supplements on the market offer better results at a more affordable rate.

Is PHNTM Gummies a Scam?

PHNTM Gummies is a clear scam. There’s no reliable information about the company behind it, no endorsements from credible sources, and the marketing is blatantly deceptive. The product fails to deliver on its promises, and the company has a history of leaving customers disappointed. All the evidence points to PHNTM Gummies being nothing more than a fraudulent product designed to mislead and exploit consumers.

PHNTM Gummies Side Effects

Although the manufacturer claims the product is safe, our research and customer reviews suggest otherwise. Reported side effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability

These side effects, though mild, question the safety of the product, especially with its lack of comprehensive safety testing.


In conclusion, PHNTM Gummies do not seem to be a trustworthy or effective product. With exaggerated claims, questionable ingredients, and a company with a poor reputation, it’s better to look for safer, more reliable alternatives. Always consult a healthcare professional before trying new supplements.

Author Profile
Jaime Green
Founder, Writer, Fact-checker, Reviewer at | Website

Jaime Green is a seasoned health writer with over 10 years of experience covering a wide range of health topics, including weight loss, fitness, and wellness. He holds a Master’s degree in Health Communication and is recognized for his ability to translate complex health information into engaging and accessible content.

Jaime has worked at WebMD, where he was instrumental in developing health articles that reached a wide audience, making complex medical topics understandable for the general public. He also contributed to Men's Health, writing articles on fitness and nutrition, and worked at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where he focused on public health communication and education.

As the founder of, Jaime wears multiple hats: he is a writer, fact-checker, and reviewer, ensuring that the content is accurate, comprehensive, and beneficial to readers. His dedication and extensive experience make him an invaluable asset to the platform.

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